

Meyer Zoysia

Zoysia Grass

Meyer Z-52 zoysia is an improved strain of zoysia japonica taken from over 50 selections of common zoysia japonica grown from seed by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1940. The selection was named after Frank N. Meyer, who made the first collection of zoysia seed in Korea in 1905. Meyer zoysia’s leaf width is between common zoysia japonica and zoysia matrella, and is more cold tolerant than practically all other varieties of zoysia.

Low Maintenance

Drought Tolerant

Resists Disease

Emerald Zoysia

Zoysia Grass

Emerald Zoysia creates a dense, lush, thick sod that outcompetes weeds and other invading grass varieties. This grass is perfect for homes located in warm season climates with susceptibility to high temperatures. This grass variety possesses superior disease resistance, drought tolerance, and performs best in full sun or medium shade.

Drought Tolerant

Dense Canopy

Shade Tolerant


Centipede Grass

Common Centipede is one of the most widely used grasses for home lawns in the Southeastern United States. Well suited for low pH soils, common Centipede is a slow growing grass that needs very little fertilizer and handles drought well.

Drought Tolerant

Low Maintenance

Chinch Bug Resistant

Tifway 419 Bermuda


Tifway 419 is a dense, fine-textured, hybrid Bermudagrass. This warm season turf grass requires full sun, and has a good heat tolerance, wear resistance and will recover quickly if damaged. Although Tifway 419 is an excellent choice for home lawns in northern part of the transition zone between cool and warm season grasses, it is primarily used on golf courses, sport fields, and commercial sites.

Exceptional Recovery

Cold Resistant

Shade Tolerant

Celebration® Bermudagrass


Celebration® Bermudagrass is a blue-green bermudagrass that offers practical advantages over other bermudagrass cultivars. Celebration® Bermudagrass has rated best in research studies for drought tolerance, drought recovery, shade tolerance, wear tolerance and divot recovery. It is America’s #1 sports and recreation grass.

Exceptional Recovery

Cold Resistant

Shade Tolerant